INTERVIEW MAGAZINE: How To Dress Well / Sound Advice The Playlist & Interview

This is SOUND ADVICE, a weekly destination for playlists curated by Interview’s friends, enemies, and lovers. Over the past few weeks, we’ve gathered playlists from Thugpop, Dasha, and George Clanton. This week’s guest is the multimedia artist, singer-songwriter, and producer Tom Krell, aka How to Dress Well, who’s just released an album last week after a six-year hiatus. Entitled I Am Toward You, its name captures its contents: a deeply embodied sonic journey that bares its heart in search of a truth more profound than the appearances of our mortal world. “Music, like fragrance, is best when it produces language,” Krell told us. “Pure sensation or affect is pretty boring, the real stuff happens when affect produces a charge that unearths unknown corridors in language.” The self-avowed “friend of the undertow,” Doctor of Philosophy, and recent father of a daughter (whose heartbeat closes out the last track) curated a playlist for us encompassing his varied taste, featuring Mariah Carey, 1010benja, Lorraine James, and more. For our Sound Advice questionnaire, Krell tells us his favorite philosophers, album cover art, and the secret to dressing well. - CLICK HERE FOR THE PLAYLIST AND FOR THE INTERVIEW